Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

My Mom made me a uniform for Halloween just like Daddy wears every weekend for college football. She made it out of one of Daddy's old uniforms. I look just like him! She took SO many pictures. After a while, it got a little old. I just wanted to check out the cool whistle that went with my uniform.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lunch time...

I went to my Aunt Annie's house while Dad and Mom went to the Chiefs game. I went to church with them and then my cousin Brooklynn fed me my lunch. She did a great job, especially since I just wanted to suck my thumb. She did tell me not to mess with her bib that I borrowed. She said I might rip it and to leave it alone. That is on another video...



Monday, October 20, 2008

Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!

I love to sit in my bouncy seat while Mommy is paying bills. She says I make the process much more enjoyable and funny. I am getting really good at standing now. I do not like "tummy time" at all, so I'll probably never crawl. But Daddy is working hard at getting me to take steps.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I go to Kim's house on Wednesdays while Mom is at work. Kim takes the best pictures of me and sends them to my Mom at work. She loves getting pictures there. Here are some pictures from my photo session with Kim today.



Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Yummy Toes

I found my toes a few weeks ago and I am fascinated with them. My Mom thinks they're adorable for some reason. I am beginning to think she thinks I'm adorable no matter what. Anyway, she thought this was pretty funny.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My New Cousin

My Mom says I got a new cousin last week. Her name is Austyn Lynn. We went to see her in the hospital. She's pretty cute, but she doesn't say much. We stayed with Nana and I got to see my buddy Andrew. I am exactly one week older than he is. We had so much fun!

