Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get well, Grandma!

Dear Grandma,
My Mom said you had a doctor appointment for your knee today. She made me a card to show you on our video for you. Sorry I wanted to eat it. I just like to explore everything with my mouth. I hope you get well soon, Grandma. I love you.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My room

Miss Raegan,
My Mom said you wanted to see pictures of my room. She said to tell you her favorite time of the day is when she gets to come get me out of bed in the morning or after nap time. I am always so happy to see her. She says she misses me when I'm sleeping. Anyway, here is a video of my room. Mom made my curtains and my bedding and painted it all before I was born. I must be pretty special.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jazz with my Mom and Dad

My Mom loves jazz music. Her friend Brian from church has a really good band that we went to see today. Then we went out to eat and went shopping. I was a good boy. Some old lady told my Mom that my socks were too tight and she wasn't very happy, but everything else was good.



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Playing with my Dad

I like to play with my Dad. When he's around, I am so happy. I'm very lucky to have such a cool Dad. He is going to teach me how to paraglide, officiate football, golf and ride a unicycle. Mom gets embarrassed when he does that last one, but I think it's pretty neat.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My first time swinging...

Today Mom took me to the park and I got to swing for the first time. It was really cool and I didn't want to leave. Mom took a video so you could see how much fun I had. Mom said to tell you thank you so much for letting us all stay at your house this weekend. We felt like we were on vacation at a resort!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bath time

Bath time is always a fun experience - especially when my cousin Brooklynn comes over. My cat Daisy always joins me too. She thinks it's fun to watch the water splash. Daddy usually gives me my bath and we have a good time. It is one of my favorite times in the day because all Daddy's attention is on me.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Weekend

This weekend most of my Mom's extended family came to town for the Twins game. The Twins won Friday and Saturday so Papa was really happy. They didn't take me, but I had a good time with everyone the rest of the weekend. I hope Nana and Papa come back to town really soon.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our camping trip

I went on my first camping trip in South Dakota. I had a lot of fun swimming even though the water was freezing. I love hanging out with my Papa and Nana and especially with my cousins. We got a cabin this year, so Mom and Dad were pretty excited about that. We were living in high style for campers this year! Here are some pictures from my trip.



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Patty cake

GG Midge,
I was so excited to see that you check my blog too! I love to play patty cake with my Mom. It makes me laugh every single time. I thought I'd show you how much I like it. I love you!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Out to eat with Mommy...

Dear Grandma Lindgren,

My Mom says you check my blog every day. It makes me feel so special! I wanted to tell you that I went out to eat with Mommy and her friend Beth and I was such a good boy! I can drink out of a cup now. I will show you that later, but I just wanted to say hi.

I love you, Gram.


Sunday, August 3, 2008



Mom makes me eat things that don't taste very good - like bananas. I am a good boy and eat them anyway. I really prefer prunes and peas, but I will try anything. I eat all my food when Daddy feeds me, but I start fussing halfway through if Mom feeds me. Daddy does the airplane and that's really cool.

I love you and can't wait to see you!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Sitting Up - well, kind of...

Anderson learned to "sit up" yesterday so I thought I'd post this video. I took it with my phone and can't get the sound to work, but I thought it was cute so here you go... You'll probably want to mute the sound...

Rolling over

Anderson loves to roll from front to back because he hates tummy time. He wanted to demonstrate this today.

My friend Laura inspired me to start a blog for Anderson so our out of town family could get to know him. I think it's a great idea, but please bear with me. Mama G. is not very technologically advanced and I'm new at this whole blogging thing. Here we go! :)